LFCarry content creation program
Share your experience with LFCarry on social media and get free Trials of Osiris,
Grandmaster Nightfall or Raid run!
How It Works
Make a video review
You make a video review of the service
you got or tell why you want to use LFC services
using our content creation guide.
You publish your video on any social network.
Fill the form
You submit your video in a special form here.
Get a free service
You choose the desired service and
get it for free in 48 hours.
We share your review
We share your video
on LFCarry's official social media.
How it works
Make a video review
You make a video review of the service
you got or tell why you want to use LFC services using our content creation guide.
You publish your video on any social network.
Fill the form
You submit your video in a special form here.
Get a free service
You choose the desired service and
get it for free in 48 hours.
We share your review
We share your video on
LFCarry's official social media.
Content creation guide
We made a manual on how to create content to make it easier for you. But your creativity is welcome!
Get your free service
Did you record a review?
Fill out the form to receive your reward!
Please write the email you use as a login to your personal account
By submitting the form you confirm your acceptance of our Privacy Policy.

Please note:

  • One person can get only one free offer per month;
  • The minimum power level required to enter Trials of Osiris is 1570. Artifact bonus Power doesn't count in Trials. Entry Pending quest and The Witch Queen expansion completed is also required;
  • 1585 Power is required to enter Grandmaster Nightfall;
  • Service requirements for raid completion are 1520 Power level and raid access.